Where is the Church?
Lower Providence Baptist Church is located at 3430 Ridge Pike in Collegeville, PA 19426.
When are Sunday Services?
During the school year, at 9:15 a.m. – We have an adult Sunday School class.
At 10:30 a.m. – you’ll head upstairs into our sanctuary, where we’ll start the gathering with a song and prayer time followed by an encouraging, life-giving message. Our gatherings typically last around 1 hour. Afterwards, we encourage you to stick around and enjoy a cup of coffee and a conversation.
What about my children?
We have programs for everyone in your family during the church service. The children (Pre K-12th grade) are invited to go downstairs for Sunday School at approximately 10:45 am for the rest of the service for Sunday School. Nursery care is provided for ages 4 and under throughout the whole service.
What do I wear?
While some people wear their “Sunday best,” many others wear casual, comfortable clothes on Sunday morning. Just come expecting a great worship experience!
How do I become a member?
Membership is open to all who know Jesus Christ as their own personal Savior and who are committed to following Him as Lord. Please speak to our Pastor before or after the service if you are interested.